You will be taking your courses and interacting with your worship leader mentor on Bolstr.
Bolstr is a learning community where you will watch course videos, download course worksheets, attend live webinar events and chat with your mentor and others in the Propel mentorship.
Let’s create your account and activate your mentorship now!
First, find your activation link in the email you received when you finalized your purchase.
If you do not have an activation link, please send an email to to request an activation link.
When you click your activation you will be taken to the following page.
Click “Access”
You will be asked to become a member of
Click “Join Us”
Enter the name you used to purchase your Propel mentorship.
Enter your email and create a new password for your Bostr account and click “Create Account”
(This does not have to be the same username/password you use for
Be sure to write down your password so you will remember it later
Your new Bolstr account has been created and you will automatically be logged in to your new account.
Now click “Confirm Access”
All of the courses will be added to your profile, and you will be enrolled in the Propel mentorship community.
Once you have confirmed access, you will see all the Propel courses in the right sidebar and the main Propel Worship Mentorship community as well! Great! You are ready to start!
NOTE: If for any reason, you have created your new Bolstr account but don’t see a page asking you to “Confirm Access” and you don’t see the courses in your account, simply click on the activation link again once you are logged in to your Bolstr account.
Make sure it’s working…
Click on your profile picture in the upper right and then click “Personal Settings”
This will open a screen showing all your mentorships and courses.
If you don’t see that you are enrolled in the propel Worship Mentorship and you don’t see an active listing of all the courses like the picture below, it means that you do have an account, but you still must click the activation link at the top of these instructions and confirm your access.
Need Help?
If you do not see your courses or need help with activation, send a message to Eric Michael Roberts in the bolstr app or send an email to
Where to start?
The Propel Mentorship Community Home Page
Get the mobile app!
I encourage you to download the Mighty Network app from the from the Google Play or Apple Store so you can access the Propel community on your phone or tablet! Once you download the Might Networks app and sign in with your new credentials, you will be connected and will be able to interact with the course material and chat from your mobile device!